Tuesday 10 November 2009

Fugenex Damp Protect

Fugenex Damp Protect is a simple innovative method for measuring humidity through an irreversible humidity indicator.
The Fugenex Damp Protect indicators provide early warning signals of humidity and help to indicated if there is a condensation problem rather than a structural fault.

There are many ways to get an on-the spot account of the relative atmospheric humidity, however, there are few ways of easily measuring the relative humidity over a period of time, i.e. how long something has been exposed to humidity above a certain level.

Fugenex Damp Protect sensors, provide a physical-chemical principle, show how long the relative humidity has exceeded a predetermined level. The reading on the indicator is non-reversible. This means that even if the relative humidity temporarily falls below the humidity level, the maximum humidity reading remains unchanged.

Fugenex sensors have a robust design that assures high reliability. The indicators are easy to read and understand, as the length of the reading is proportional to the time that exposure to humidity has exceeded the predetermined level.

Click for more information - www.surveyexpress.co.uk

Click for information on damp meters - www.damp-meter-direct.co.uk