Cable Detection has recently launched a new range of advanced digital cable avoidance systems.
The EZiCAT has been designed with the main emphasis on safety, our aim being to reduce on-site strike incidents by using the latest electronic technology to significantly reduce the human error element.
How does EZiSYSTEM locate?
The EZiCAT i500 and i550 locate buried conductive services by receiving electromagnetic signals which radiate from them.
The EZiCAT’s intelligent software interprets the signal data and provides the operator with an audible and visual response to the location and direction of buried utilities. The operator can mark the ground or use a GIS mapping device* to note the location.
Incorpoated into the design are a range of standard features that make the new Cable Detection i-Series the best cable avoidance system.
Auto Mode
Automatically locates power or radio signals, helping to confirm the presence of services upon initial site occupation making cable detection easier and safer!
Digital signal processing technology (DSP)
State-of-the-art for precision service locating.
Hazard Zone
The EZiCAT i-Series indicates the presence of a shallow buried service in power, 8 and 33 kHz modes, (within approximately 30cm) alerting users to the increased risk.
Pinpoint Assist
Maintains the highest peak reading obtained on the signal strength indicator for a period of time, allowing the operatior to quickly and accurately pinpoint the service position.
Enhanced Sonde Detection
EZiCAT i-Series feature numeric signal strength readout, specifically designed for easy Sonde location. The highest number displayed indicates the exact position of the Sonde beneath the ground.
Depth Indication
The EZiCAT i550 features utility depth indication, when used in conjunction with the EZiTRACE or Sonde in8 or 33 kHz modes. Operators can determine the depth of the buried utility, providing a clear advantage when conducting ground surveys.
Bluetooth Connectivity
Both the EZiCAT i-series locators can be purchased with the added benefit of Bluetooth wireless connectivity. It will allow the EZiCAT to integrate seamlessly with mobile mapping technology to log survey data.
In-built test function
The EZiCAT was the first cable avoidance locator to allow operators to test the hardware and software functionality before use.
Service Due Indicator
Supporting customer planned maintenance schedules or quality systems by displaying a wrench icon after 12 months.
For more information -
Cable Detection EZiCAT i500
Cable Detection EZiCAT i550 – Depth Finding
Range of cable avoidance tools